The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10315   Message #71108
Posted By: Vixen
15-Apr-99 - 01:03 PM
Thread Name: Show off tunes
Subject: RE: Show off tunes
I think the most impressive show-off tune I've seen was in the Harpo Club my dad belongs to. It's made up of men aged 50 to 80, mostly over 70 (I'm allowed because of my dad) playing harmonicas in a member's living room. Now picture one of these dudes playing Orange Blossom Special on two harps, swapping them as needed, playing cross-harp as necessary. It was phenomenal. I don't think he missed a note.

I don't do show-off tunes--as soon as I try to show off, I fall flat on my face. My best show-offs have occurred when I was concentrating so much I didn't know what I'd done. The audience always managed to let me know, though!

Just my $0.02!