The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47538   Message #712069
Posted By: Bob Bolton
17-May-02 - 12:36 AM
Thread Name: Info Req: Roll You to the River (Kieran Halpin)
Subject: RE: Keiran Halpin
G'day Raggytash,

"Refresh" indeed! Can you drop in a few more of the lyrics from Kieran's Roll you to the River? There may be some other clue in the context ... otherwise we only have SFA ... which, surprisingly, does not stand for what we latterly believe!

It really does stand for Sweet Fanny Adams. Frances Adams was murdered around 1870 and her boddy disposed of, cut up into small peices. Her name became wryly eponymous with Navy issue tinned bully beef, then reduced to the acronym SFA ... and later, well after her memory faded, the other supposed derivation was imposed by a process of 'folk etymology'. (I should have mentioned that one in side issue ... spelled "Thread Drift" ... on the Parody Legalities thread!)


Bob Bolton