The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47509   Message #712281
Posted By: InOBU
17-May-02 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: Rape
Subject: RE: Rape
In order to explain in part, why I feel it appropriate to name the fundimentalists in the song, in the same way as I name the hydro-power company's in Yvette's song, this is just one of many hundreds of storries I have been confronted with in my work these days. WARNING... it is very blunt, so if you may be disturbed by it, please don't read it... but if being disturbed by prompts you to ask your government to link aid to human rights treatment, please do read it...
22 Hindu Women Raped, Forced to Walk Naked In Public
Report By Mayer Dak News Services Patuakhali, Bangladesh
Reporters could not control their tears while listening to the Hindu women who have become victims of rape and torture in Patuakhali district of Bangladesh. On October 3, 2001, Right wing Muslim fundamentalists armed with lethal weapons attacked Hindu residents during the dark of night in Kachipara village of Patuakhali district. The unarmed people were unable to resist the Muslim fanatics. Women were raped throughout the night and made to walk nude in the market the next morning. The fanatics also urinated in their mouths when these defenceless women, being thirsty were begging for water. Barbarism, nepotism, arson and looting are prevalent everywhere and has reached fearsome proportions.
An elderly Muslim gentelman remarked, ''Curse and destruction will soon befall on this country. Allah will not forgive the Kafers (unholy miscreants) who are torturing the Hindu women and creating such wide spread violence.''