The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47416   Message #712516
Posted By: Irish sergeant
17-May-02 - 04:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why does 'prayer' scare people?Part2
Subject: RE: BS: Why does 'prayer' scare people?Part2
Having dragged around my own fair share of spiritual baggage in 46 years, it has been my experience that the ones who offer the "kindness" "I'll pray for you" tend to really mean, "I'll pray that you will mindlessly accept my way of worship as the right one." I consider my self a Christian but organized religion has really left a bitter taste in my mouth. Prayer doesn't scare me. What scares me are the Osama bin Ladens, Jerry Falwells, Cotton Mathers etc out there that are "Praying" for me and the rest of us.(Or is that preying on?) I will be the first to admit that there are people out there who I would believe sincerely mean it as a kindness (Most anyone from mudcat I've met.) Have a good weekend, kindest regards, Neil