The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47711   Message #712700
Posted By: khandu
17-May-02 - 11:32 PM
Thread Name: Help: Kits to make instruments???
Subject: RE: Help: Kits to make instruments???
Yes, I made a hammered dulcimer from a kit. It was not a simple operation, in fact it was much more involved and a bit more difficult than I expected. However, I plugged on and finally finished it. It turned out quite well. (i am certain that it could not hold a candle to one of Spaw's hand-made jewels!)Fortunately, all the instructions were thorough and easily understood.

My son-in-law built an electric guitar from a kit. It has a great sound but lacks good action.

Recommendations? Patience and persistance...and having a wood-working shop would also be a tremendous help!

It is quite satisfying to play on an instrument that you have built even it is from a kit!
