The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47666   Message #712726
Posted By: Genie
18-May-02 - 01:09 AM
Thread Name: Help: Problem with head voice
Subject: RE: Help: Problem with head voice

You say "I have no problem at all using my chest voice... . [but] I have an hard time switching from one to the other.

dorareever, if you do that fast enough, it's called "yodelling," isn't it?


JustAmy, thanks for the tax info. But [like many aspects of the tax code] I don't 'get ' it. I've been playing guitar for over 40 years, but I'd like to take targeted guitar lessons [e.g., classical or blues guitar] to enhance my professional skills. Ya mean I couldn't count that as a legitimate business expense? Similarly, I just got over a 2-month bout with laryngitis, and I'd love to work with a voice teacher/coach to learn how not to fall prey to that again. The fact that I've been working professionally with my voice for over 10 years obviously does not prove that I don't need a voice teacher. Sounds like a stupid distinction. But then, where the IRS is concerned, why should that surprise me?
