The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47750   Message #713669
Posted By: C-flat
19-May-02 - 05:03 PM
Thread Name: How much do you practice.
Subject: RE: How much do you practice.
I practice all the time. Not neccessarily a consious effort, or even neccessarily with the guitar. Sometimes when I'm in the car my mind may wander and I start working out a song I've just heard on the radio or tapping out a finger pattern while a song runs in my head. At home I usually pick up a guitar several times in a day for short periods unless I'm in the middle of something new, then I can dissapear for hours on end, much to my partners discontent! I've recently found some guitar tab for simple Bach pieces which, although I'm not a classical player, I've found to be both refreshing and musically stimulating. I think it's good to occassionaly get into other styles as I believe it can only improve your knowledge, technique and understanding, whatever your prefered style. If anyone's interested there's some Bach tab here.