True confessions. I'm not that disciplined. And my playing shows it. I seem to practicd whenever I'm insprired to do so. That's about every day. If I don't pick up one of my instruments for at least fifteen minutes, or thirty, then the rest of the day just isn't right.I practice on whatever needs the most immediate attention. If for example the band has a big job coming up, I might work on something where the mandolin needs attention. Or, I might work on a song where I have a difficult time remembering the second verse, for another example.
I just got back from doing a festival with the band last week end. And I met up with this really superb guitarist. We've seen each other numerous times. So I asked him for some tips on improving my slide guitar technique. So this morning, I'm playing the bejeezus out of my old round neck Dobro, working on such tunes as Keys to the Highway, Statesboro Blues, and one or two of my own.
I need to get cracking on the fife. Haven't played that at all in a few days. Got a re-enactment coming up over Memorial Day week end.