The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47734   Message #714435
Posted By: Pied Piper
21-May-02 - 06:58 AM
Thread Name: WHAT KEY AM I IN?
Subject: RE: WHAT KEY AM I IN?
Being a piper I quite often get asked by musicians what key my pipes are in. I think I should have phrased that last sentence differently "other musicians". It's quite hard to give a simple answer. The drone note and tonic for a lot of tunes is Bb but the pipe scale has a flattened 7th making an Eb major scale. To make things more complicated tunes may have tonics on Eb, F, or C. I think the problem arises because music from all around the world including a lot of British folk music is not built using Major or Minor scales. Major and Minor are just 2 possible ways to divide up the space between an octave in a musically meaningful way, there are many many more. What I'm saying basically is there's no point in trying to force all music into the 2 or 3 scales used in western art music. The story gets even more interesting when we look at Just verses tempered scales but I think I'll leave that to another time (you'll be glad to hear). All the best PP.