The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47832   Message #715127
Posted By: Mr Happy
22-May-02 - 04:00 AM
Thread Name: art & crafts for severely disabled
Subject: RE: Help: art & crafts for severely disabled
until i retired, i'd worked for many years with adults with learning disabilities

i also gained experience with people with mental health probs., & with children and teenagers

i found that in order to create a relaxed and unthreatening environment for service users was to have soothing music on in the background, usually classical or folk

also, many people enjoy singing so i'd frequently play guitar or chord organ to accompany our singing

even the most profoundly disabled can be enabled to participate in almost all activities, given approprite assistance- helping them to do it- not doing it for them

i could go on for a long time on this topic

hope this is useful

if your friend has any specific questions about art 'n craft activities, don't hesitate to mail again


mr happy