The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47867   Message #715900
Posted By: The Shambles
23-May-02 - 03:39 AM
Thread Name: Official 'No tradition' 2 (PELs)
Subject: RE: OFFICIAL 'No tradition' 2 (PELs)
Whereas a musical "performance" as defined in the Bill by a single musician undertaken for "reward" (either his own or the organiser's) will be subject to the licensing regime. It is for Parliamentary Counsel to decide how in terms of draft clauses to give effect to that policy.

Note that the reward does not have to be to the participants. If the licensee is considered to have increased his 'reward', say in takings from the sale of drinks, for example, out officers will consider this to be 'entertainment' and not permitted without the entertainment element of the new premises licence.