The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10375   Message #71637
Posted By: Joe Offer
17-Apr-99 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: Music, Politics and Mudcat
Subject: RE: Music, Politics and Mudcat
I'm anti-Clinton all the way, too, bbc, and I call myself a "Liberal" with a capital "L." What was Don saying about dishonest liberals?
I think it's wonderful to espouse a political philosophy as a basis for action. My philosophy of choice is definitely "liberal" and probably "socialist" (well, "democratic socialist"). However, in real life, we have to solve real problems with practical solutions that actually work. Our philosophy can give us perspective and direction - but we have to negotiate out solutions that come as close as possible to working well for everyone concerned, for liberals and conservatives and even for moderates.
-Joe Offer-