The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47911   Message #716828
Posted By: Kim C
24-May-02 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: Memorial Day Observance
Subject: RE: Not BS: Memorial Day Observance
My father fought in Korea and earned a Purple Heart, which is now in my possession. He died almost two years ago due to a number of health complications. Dad was proud to have served his country, but there was something that made him a little sad... when he was having problems with his health, and needed expensive medications, he applied to the Veterans Administration for assistance.

He didn't get any. They told him he made $50 a month too much.

Dad wasn't rich by any means. He probably didn't even qualify for middle-class status.

Anyway, he felt bitter about this, because he had served his country and was wounded. He was there when they needed him, and when he needed them, they wouldn't help. And I know he would never have asked for help unless he really needed it. Personally I thought the Veterans Administration was for all veterans, not just the broke, homeless ones. Maybe I was wrong about that.

Because of this, he specifically asked that he have no reference to his military service on his gravestone, nor any mention of it in the memorial service. But, my stepmother is going to take some flowers for Memorial Day all the same. So there, Dad. :-P

I have a friend in the Army whom I cherish dearly. I told him I know Memorial Day is a dead people's holiday, but the living deserve some thanks too, because they don't get nearly enough.

Maybe y'all will remember my dad along with all the others. He was a music lover and it's because of him that I do a lot of the things I do.

Cheers ------------------ KFC