The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10375   Message #71689
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Apr-99 - 12:51 AM
Thread Name: Music, Politics and Mudcat
Subject: RE: Music, Politics and Mudcat
BBC: don't worry, I won't hold it against you or anyone else, as long as they are respectful of my right to feel differently, although I do have to say I have never understood, in recent years, any woman wanting to be a member of what I consider to be a very misogynistic GOP!

While I think Hillary would have been a much better choice, I am not sure that Clinton was ever given the chance, seeings as how he has been subjected to a witch hunt of almost biblical proportions since day one of taking office, but that is JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION! And, NO I don't think he should have played hide the willy in the Oval office, but I also don't think it was anybody else's business but the immediate parties involved and effected by it. SH*%!!!! I SAID I was never going to write another editorial on that subject, I got so sick of all the rpess beating it to death! I gave up and wrote several about it, about the same time Molly Ivins did.

Magarita, I would like to believe that through honest and thoughtful dialogues such as these, people of differing opinion can come to meet on a common ground, called the Mudcat! Welcome one and all, who practise the courtesy and use the thinking skills mentioned above. Through your personal posting to me and your presence oin the threads, there is no doubt you are an integral part of the 'Cat!
