The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18957   Message #717064
Posted By: Irish sergeant
24-May-02 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Etymology of Taps?
Subject: RE: Etymology of Taps?
I joined the navy so didn't hear bugles except for reville and taps in boot camp. Keep in mind that we may never know the origen of the music although I believe it was Butterfield's bugler who came up with the call not "Old Dan". The infantry certainly used a bugle even in the Mexican war which accounts for mounted rifle regiments (The Mexican war and antebellum period equivilent of mechanized infantry) wearing a bugle device on their hats. Infantry units wore a hunter's horn on theirs So bugle call were part and parcel of infantry life during the Civil War reville has it's own words whic are rather rude but then think about what the call is used.. Something along the lines of "He can't get it up/he can' t get it up..." Ad nauseum and yeas there are other words but I can't remember them just yet, Sorry neil