The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47930   Message #717088
Posted By: catspaw49
24-May-02 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: help me find (closed thread)
Subject: RE: help me find
FIRST....Please take Susan's advice in the future and start a new thread with the title or words from the song in the title and use the LYRREQ prefix. You'll get better results and we're always happy to help. Sometimes these get missed without that format.

Shirley.......That's a tough way to look isn't it? The best two sites for Dylan lyrics if you don't already have them are My Back Pages the official Bob site and this site, a Japanese mirror of sorts....both have the song John posted and are your best source if you happen to know the title.

okthen........See if any of these fit the bill.
