The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47940   Message #717141
Posted By: JenEllen
25-May-02 - 12:51 AM
Thread Name: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
Sooz, sorry to hear the news, but I totally understand.

I'm thinking that a great fundraiser for next year is a version of the stepping stones I've made for my garden....except instead of the lame ol' handprint mosaic thing, we make prints of things that people might actually pay money for....Put them kissing booths right outta business....LOL...I'll probably have to get the cement by the truckload....

But THIS year (fingers crossed/knock wood/dance to spring) we may have a celebration of a very different sort, but I ain't lettin' the mudcat outta the bag just yet! *g*
