The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47867   Message #717403
Posted By: The Shambles
25-May-02 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: Official 'No tradition' 2 (PELs)
Subject: RE: OFFICIAL 'No tradition' 2 (PELs)
This from Hamish Birchall

94 MPs have now signed David Heath's public entertainment licence Early Day Motion 1182.

Only about 400 MPs are eligible to sign EDMs so this is a very significant level of support. If you are experiencing two in a bar problems in your area, the local press may now be more interested in covering the story, linking it to EDM 1182. If your MP has signed so much the better.

Has your MP signed? Check using the link below:

Parliament is in recess from next Monday (27 May) returning on Monday 10 June, so the total may not rise as steeply as it has done over the last two weeks.

Fax your MP direct from or write c/o House of Commons, London SW1A OAA.

Please pass this message on to other musicians interested in the public entertainment licence issue. Thanks again to those of you who have already contacted your MP about this.