The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47947   Message #717435
Posted By: CarolC
25-May-02 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: Playing by ear vs. sight-reading
Subject: RE: Playing by ear vs. sight-reading
Hi paddymac. I can hear sounds that are produced outside of my head, but I can't generate any awareness of sounds within my head. This is something that I know some people can do. Some people can even manipulate the sounds they perceive in their heads.

But for me, if there isn't anything visual or auditory coming from outside of my head, it's pretty dark and silent in here.

I do get songs stuck in my head, but it's not an inner hearing thing. It's more of an inner feeling sort of thing. I know there's a difference, because on a very few occasions (maybe ten or twenty times in my life) I have heard or seen something in my head, and the difference is like night and day.

But the ability to make these things happen appears to be beyond my contol. Although I seem to be able to do them in my sleep. Go figure.

At any rate, I like your advice to keep playing. I believe I will do that.