The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46361   Message #717456
Posted By: masato sakurai
25-May-02 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Oleanna (Ditmar Meidel, Norway, 1853)
Subject: ADD Version: OLEANA
(Arranged, adapted, and with additional lyrics by Theodore Bikel)

Ole-ole-ana Ole-ole-ana
Ole-ole-ole-ole Ole-ole-ana

Oh, to be in Oleana
That's where I'd like to be
Than be bound in Norway
And drag the chains of slavery.


The trees and shrubs grow by themselves,
There really is no need for rain;
It only rains at banquet-time,
Instead of water--pure champagne.


Beer as sweet as Münchner
Springs from the ground and flows away,
The cows all like to milk themselves,
The hens lay eggs ten times a day.


Little roasted piggies
They rush about the city streets,
Inquiring so politely
If a slice of ham you'd like to eat.


And when it comes to courting,
I tell you boys, that's better still;
Before you pop the question
The girls all shout, "Oh yes, I will!"


If you really want to live
To Oleana you must go,
The poorest wretch in Norway
Becomes like a king in a year or so.


The women there do all the work
As round the fields they swiftly go,
They carry around the hickory stick
And beat themselves if they work too slow.


(Source: Folksongs and Footnotes by Theodore Bikel, Meridian Books, 1960, pp. 213-214)
