The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44076   Message #717689
Posted By: Barry Finn
26-May-02 - 06:22 PM
Thread Name: An Open Letter from Max to GUESTS
Subject: RE: An Open Letter from Max to GUESTS
Hi Max,
After being on Mudcat close to 5 1/2 yrs & having met you along with accomplices Dick & Susan, Joe Elf & probably near a hundred other mudcatters (all thanks to you) it is YOU who has made this place into a folk community with absolutely no comparison. I couldn't have had a better shot in the arm & a boost in spirit while on my death bed than from those here. I know & see you as the builder/driver of the vechical that allowed this to be. I see no better time than now to take it out of the tail spin that ABUSING guests have seem to be wishing for. The changes that you've made here over the years have always been for the better of all & for the continual survival & enjoyment of the mudcat. NONE has put the TIME, MONEY, BLOOD, SWEAT, EFFORT & PASSION into this site. There are always those that'll bite the hand that feeds them or shit where they eat. We all benefit & are the better for your endevors. Not only is the ball yours to do as you see fit but it's also your court housed in your dwelling. We have for the most part been extremely aware of each other here & indeed have given those that are respectful of this neighborhood the respect due them in return. If you want to run off the bulling guests so be it, it's been a long time coming. Thanks for continuing to make this a better neighboorhood. Barry