The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47953   Message #717910
Posted By: Gervase
27-May-02 - 05:34 AM
Thread Name: Duffers on the Mudcat Forum.
Subject: RE: Duffers on the Mudcat Forum.
Duffers is a tad unfair, I think. Sure, the Mudcat has its share of eejits and single-issue fanatics, but I've yet to see any example of someone being given duff information when they've posted a query - and I've seen plenty of extremely helpful and erudite answers to some pretty arcane questions.
I don't pay much attention to rec-music.folk, but I dip in and out of and sometimes cross-refer between here and there.
The two forums have different aims and purposes, and both fulfil a need. As one of those who voted for the establishment of uk.m.f as a non-moderated usenet group back in 1995, I still have the wording of the charter proposal: " This new group will be for those interested in folk/roots/acoustic music here in the UK. Defining folk music has always been a precarious task. However, this new group will cover all of those types of music that you would expect to see in a folk - folk/blues club. Most of us who are into this kind of music have very catholic tastes and this is reflected by the booking policies of most clubs. I would expect to see discussion of: traditionalists such as Martin Carthy; classic folk rock as exemplified by Fairport Convention and Steeleye Span; contemporary groups and performers such as Edward II, the Poozies, the superb new young performers such as White & Cutting, Kerr & Carthy, etc., Christine Collister, Clive Gregson; world music performers who regularly perform in the UK.
The new group will encourage the people to post details of: tours; folk club listings; WWW sites dedicated to folk/roots music; specialist music outlets; festivals; and musical instruments, etc. In short, this group will aim to be the natural home for all of those interested in UK-based folk music.
A laudible charter, and no mention there of terrorism, the state of Israel, jam-making recipes, farting, mutual support or underwear - or any of those things that makes the Mudcat rather more than just a folk and blues forum.
Each forum has its bonuses and drawbacks - and each can be irritating in its way. To quote from an email I had the other day from a regular on uk.m.f: Thanks, that's just the kind of insider information I as looking for. And thanks for taking the trouble to reply - I'm replying off-group just to say that I appreciate it, and that I wish more of the group were as helpful...They all seem to be too busy promoting gigs and CDs.
And certainly there are far more trolls here than in the usenet music groups these days – but don't paint the Shambles as one. Both here and in uk.m.f his campaign against the absurd PEL laws has been heroic, and all of us in the UK should be bloody grateful to him.
All he's doing is raising a topic for discussion, and we're discussing it. That's what happens in unmoderated forums.