The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48013   Message #718549
Posted By: GUEST,Kaleb
28-May-02 - 12:26 AM
Thread Name: Help: Song Title -Shaving a dead man.
Subject: Help: Shaving a dead man.
One of my favorite banjo tunes is a tune called "Shaving a Dead Man." I have always wondered what this title could refer to. Is is some kind of pre-burial custom? I found the tune listed once as "Shaving a Dead N***er," so I am guessing that the tune is from the 19th Century.

This is even more confusing. If for some reason I decide I need to shave a dead guy, what does his ethnic background have to do with it?

I did a search of past threads but did not get any results. I know you guys have a wealth of musical knowledge so I'm hoping someone can enlighten me.

Kaleb (long-time lurker)