The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10375   Message #71855
Posted By: Rick Fielding
18-Apr-99 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: Music, Politics and Mudcat
Subject: RE: Music, Politics and Mudcat
About 7 years ago I was part of a men's get together "group". There were usually about five to seven guys at a time, and we'd meet at someone's home to talk about concerns, things, triumphs, failures etc. I was invited to join by a friend who thought I'd enjoy it. These were and are fine people and I guess they felt that I was "one of them" because of my folk music background, and general "lefty" outlook. Within a few weeks our group took on a kind of "Lord of the Flies" dynamic (which was no surprise to me) and my role seemed often to be one part court-jester, one part peace-maker (often through humour) and one part "fecal-rearanger". I just couldn't help "overdosing on rightiousness" at times. They all read Robert Bly, and often seemed unwilling to even question some of his assertions. When the suggestion was made that we all venture to the woods for a weekend to dance naked and beat drums, I had to back out. I used to have to put up with bad drummers when I worked in bars...but at least I got paid for it. I'm afraid that some of us, even though we "know the songs", and would like to "join the band" are just destined to march to our own drummers. 'Figure there's quite a few of us on the "cat".