The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10375   Message #71901
Posted By: katlaughing
19-Apr-99 - 12:21 AM
Thread Name: Music, Politics and Mudcat
Subject: RE: Music, Politics and Mudcat
Pete M.: Welcome comrade!**Smile** You say labels only have validity in the minds of their creator. which can be true, but unfortunately our world is so full of them, in general, there are so many who suffer because of this.

My gay and lesbian friends are labeled and have to deal with the consequences every day of their lives, at work, in their neighborhoods, churches, etc. As had and still does anyone who is seen as "different" by any other group.

I am not trying to pick on you, because I think you and I agree on a lot of things. And, I am NOT saying we, any of us, do that here at the Mudcat. I believe the only way we can overcome those labels and their effect is to educate, as I've said before, and to enter into reasonable dialogue with the so-called outsiders. By welcoming so many of such diverse backgrounds and ideologies, the Mudcat does indeed become a common ground, a leader, dare I say, a microcosm of how the world could be.

bbc: I have to apologise for forgetting to mention that I, too, voted Republican, a couple of times, for a member of Congress in MA and a governor in CT, BUT out here in the sticks of Wyomin' THEY would be considered traitors to the Party, for being too liberal and reasonable to be GOP! I try NOT to have a strictness when it comes to voting, I vote for who I think is best for the job, or in most cases, which is the lesser of two evils.:->
