The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10378   Message #71947
Posted By: catspaw49
19-Apr-99 - 06:18 AM
Thread Name: trivia
Subject: RE: trivia
Well, we could opt for a couple more...........

1. That's 5 Seegers, let's go for the 6-pack. Who was Charles Seeger?

2. For all you banjo players, Weissberg did "Dueling Banjos" for "Deliverance" but what Bluegrass group did he get it from?

3. Dylan used at least two other names besides Blind Boy Grunt...any Ideas? No, I'm sorry, "Song Stealin' Mortar Forker" is not correct.

These are too simple...need to think on some others. Rick asked us to add to his...ANYBODY GOT A GOOD ONE??? (I'm talkin' trvia question here)
