The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47940   Message #720302
Posted By: JenEllen
30-May-02 - 01:13 PM
Thread Name: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
Genie, that gives a whole new meaning to 'training bra'--- brilliant flash of inspiration, but what about making a bra for your guitar? Knock together some little dixie-cups or something to cover the knobs? Support and protect. Then again, with acoutsic/electric, you'd have to consider it underwire too I guess...*g*

Reggie, sorry to hear, and even more so that you and your saw won't be here. Congrats on the gigs though. Saw ya later is right, maybe August would work for you?
