The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10375   Message #72041
Posted By: katlaughing
19-Apr-99 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: Music, Politics and Mudcat
Subject: RE: Music, Politics and Mudcat
" Jon W said: "Third, I believe we need to learn from the successes and failures of those who went before us - if cultural institutions and norms have survived for thousands of years why should our generation throw them away as worthless things?"

As a woman, I for one am glad that some of the institutions and norms of the past thousands of year have NOT survived, as I am sure people of other minorities feel, too, esp. African Americans. Perhaps this is too obvious of a reply and maybe it isn't what you menat, Jon, but I had to point it out. This is almost like saying we should still be "bleeding" people instead of using the advances in medicine which have come about, esp. in the century.

For me, evolution and enlightenment mean humankind is ever spiraling upward in consciousness, which in and of itself, requires a letting go of old ways and "norms" which are not for the highest good of all concerned.

It is obvious you are writing from a Christian perspective, which is is your right to do and I do respect that. And, lest you think me prejudice against LDS, please let me tell you: my favourite aunt has been a devout member all of her life; my dad is married to an LDS member whom I love; I grew up with a lot of friends who are still LDS, and even was briefly married to a member; and, attended summer music camp at BYU, when in jr. high in Colo. So I am NOT prejudice.

My only problem with the stance you presented is that most believe that that is what should "rule" all of us, Christian or not. As a liberal, I ask that I be allowed to practise my beliefs without being preached to by those of a different faith. I am NOT referring to you or your posting specifically here. Please know I do not intend any offense.

What I had originally posted in this thread, was my point that almost all wars, traditionally can be traced back to a religious difference. I believe all spirituality leads to the same destination, just by different paths, at different levels of consciousness, and states of being. Therefore, my question, once again, is why do those who disagree about religion still have to kill one another over it? Why should someone else's religion take precedence over my own beliefs and dictate my life?

katlaughing, repsectfully disagreeing