The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10375   Message #72063
Posted By: Joe Offer
19-Apr-99 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: Music, Politics and Mudcat
Subject: RE: Music, Politics and Mudcat
Hi, Kat - I gotta respectfully disagree back -
I call myself a liberal, but I usually find I agree with Jon W. (and that really bugs me, since he calls himself a conservative [grin]). I don't think Jon was "preaching" at all - I think he was just expressing his beliefs, and expressing them quite well and quite convincingly. The reign of Christ that he's hoping for is a reign of justice and peace. If it happens, I think you'll enjoy it - even if you don't happen to be Christian. If it isn't Christ who brings justice and peace, I sure hope SOMEBODY does.
Many people who call themselves "liberal" seem to have developed a definition of religious tolerance that really alarms me. It seems to me that they're saying,
I am completely unprejudiced toward you and your religious beliefs. But please, don't make any mention of your religious beliefs if I am within earshot. Oh, and be sure that your religious beliefs do not affect how you act toward other people. Oh, yes, I almost forgot - please don't use any words that are connected with your religion. I might be offended if I happen to hear you say words like "Christmas" or "Jesus."
I really think I should be able to say "Merry Christmas" and not have to worry about offending anybody.

Secondly, while I'm on my soapbox, I'd like to say that I haven't found any major religions in this world whose basic beliefs permit the violence and murder that has been done in the name of religion (no, not even Islam). The atrocities done in the name of religion are cruel perversions of religion. I think you'll find that the people who commit these atrocities in the name of religion usually are people who spend very little time in church.

'Nuff said.
-Joe Offer-