The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48125   Message #721060
Posted By: Gareth
01-Jun-02 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: Help: Mudcat Financial Support in UK
Subject: Mudcat Financial Support in UK
After much toing and froing in the UK "Friends of the Mudcat" now has Non-Profit Status, and more importantly a UK bank account.

Micca, John Routlage and myself are trustees and signatories to that account.

Rather than give full details over a public forum ( I have recieved 3 'Nigerian Fraud' E-Mails over the last month) UK Catters who wish to contribute by standing order, or one off donations are invited to PM Micca, John or myself with your E Mail or Snail Mail address to recieve the detail, standing order form etc. And full details, if required of "Friends of the Mudcat".

At the moment the bank balence stands at £120.00

My E-Mail address =

I am E-Mailing direct those catters who have indicated that they wish to support the Cat.

I an sorry that it has taken longer than we would like, or anticipated, to set this up.

Gareth and Micca.

NB SO forms are available as Word Doc or PDF form.