The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8916   Message #721362
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
01-Jun-02 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: Songs of the American Civil War
Subject: RE: Songs of the American Civil War
We have a motion on the floor from WYSIWYG to permathread a CW Music "room", if you will.
Neil; was that a "Second" to that motion, or more of a "Discussion"?
Point well taken, however; how about "Music of the American Civil War (era?)" which it seems to me would cover about anything being sung, hummed, plucked, or warbled during those pivotal four years?

Do we hear a "Second"? Heck I'll second that!

All in favor say "Aye!".


And regardless of the outcome of that vote, I'll also second friend Dicho's brilliant motion to move this thread along, one way or another! It's one that would draw a lot more attention, methinks, if it didn't keep sinking out of sight into the archival abyss.