The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10375   Message #72168
Posted By: hank
20-Apr-99 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: Music, Politics and Mudcat
Subject: RE: Music, Politics and Mudcat

Ethan, I used murders as an example. I'm not so shallow as to have that as the only issue I have. However murder is pretty straigt forward, not all the others are.

I try to live by "Love they neighbor as theyself", and "Go the extra mile" Though they are not as easy to live as they are to say.

Yes, I belive that those who don't belive exactly like me are going to hell. But that doesn't give me the right to violate any of the love they neighbor stuff. (Besides I'm not without sin so I won't be casting the first stone). You have a right to be wrong is what I say, and I cannot prove byond a shadow of the doupt that Cathloics are wrong, even though I beilve it fully. Nor for that matter can I prove athism is wrong.

I'm not quite as unwilling as Kat to discuss religion, but pretty close. As a wise philospher once said (obvious a centry ago, but sometime after Martin Luther, and obviously in the western world) "All sensible men are of the same religion. But what religion that is, no sensible man will ever say" I think that is how I wish things to remain, so I will not tell you what the right religion is. (and I'm sorry for picking on the catholics above)