The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48138   Message #721690
Posted By: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
02-Jun-02 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords: Farewell, Ye Green Fields and Groves
Malcolm, your posting is indeed "an embarassment of riches." "Both Sexes Give Ear....", and similar, are much more suited to the music than Newton's "How Tedious...." Baring-Goulds Notes explain much.

Mistakenly I thought Bach's Cantata 212 was a church cantata- it is so listed in the Penguin book of cds. The posting of the Les Violons du Roy cd by Masato with the notes on that recording show that it is a burlesque or comic cantata and now I can understand the inclusion of the aria "Es nehme zehntausand Ducaten." That mistake influenced my thinking throughout my inquiry.

I hate to impose for more information, but do either of you have the lyrics to "Farewell You (ye) Green Fields and Sweet Groves"? Is it another Adam and his mate version?

The link to Wedlock doesn't work on my browser, but the lyrics are located quickly by putting 'wedlock' in the Forum search.
This may have been posted before, but the Watersons have the hymn "How Tedious..." on their cd "Frost and Fire."