The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48176   Message #722108
Posted By: Bobert
03-Jun-02 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: what's blooming ?
Subject: RE: BS: what's blooming ?
Kat: You're going to hate me fir this but I have an entire bed of Hyothger's Euphorbia. I had it in another bed and it bacame so invasive I dug it all up and moved it to a new bed which is about 30 X 20. The only other thing I put in the new bed is a date tree which had overgrown its area. Sonn as the May Aples die back the the Euphorbia will start seeding and then take over. If you don't want the seeds, ya gotta cut the light green blooms back before they go to seed.

Rustic Rebel: Down here in the mountains of West Virginia out spring wild flowers are for the most part gone. The toothwart, shooting star, dutchmens britches, bleeding hearts, trout lilly, bellwart, lilly of the valley, blood root have all bloomed. The rhodos and azaleas have just finished up. We are kind of between blooming. The columbine is in bloom and we have some real unusual ones that grow wild here on the mountian that I have dug up and moved. My lavender bed is just starting to show because I cut it way back in March (6 inches). Oh yeah, I have some real unusual trillium that I get from a nursery in Noth Carolina. If ya' like trillium, PM me and I'll get you the name of the nursery. Well, I just remembered. We still have a few camilias, irises and peonis in bloom. Our gardens are more woods than most folks so we have lots of different kinds of ferns and unusual evergreens.

Nice thread. Hope someone doesn't crash it and chastise folks for talki' gardening....
