The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48188   Message #722163
Posted By: Art Thieme
03-Jun-02 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: MUSIC THREAD---Right Words-Right time
Subject: MUSIC THREAD---Right Words-Right time
Marlo Thomas has written a new book---The Right Words--The Right Time. She asked many people to relate to her those WORDS that someone along the way said to them that wound up being their watchwords that inspired them their whole life. I'd like to CONFINE THIS THREAD TO THINGS MUSICAL !! (I will start another thread for inspiring words on all other topics.)

For me, it was WIN STRACKE, a founder of the Old Town School Of Folk Music in Chicago, who on Dec. 31st, 1965 wrote this to me in his book SONGS OF MAN:

(Win was a real mentor of mine who became a good friend. Often he was a rather formal gentleman. I will highlight those words that really got to me---the ones I pretty much lived by.)

Dec. 31, 1965

Dear Art,

The year is almost past---but here at long last is the book in appreciation of your music and generosity at the autographing party. It is a matter of considerable gratification to me to see how you are coming along on the path I've been walking-----that twisting trail which skirts history, education and entertainment----but which always, I hope, is on the firm ground of tradition!! Thanks also for making yourself such a valued person in the Folklore Center.


Win Stracke

As many of you have realized from my many posts at Mudcat, the oral tradition has always been very important to me over the years.

Art Thieme