The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47609   Message #722330
Posted By: wysiwyg
03-Jun-02 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Waaaah! I need to rant - 2
Subject: RE: BS: Waaaah! I need to rant - 2
Making good progress up there on your space, Hess.

Our daughter Monica is in town and she's coming over tomorrow to help me haul the bed up there. Rugs will go on sale next week probably and then it will get really nice. (We are also getting ourselves a new bed; when we do, yours will improve with a box spring under the mattress! *G*)

I'm running the linens through the wash one time more to eliminate any stray cat hairs or laundry additives, tonight.

I found an unused lamp, a chair, a nightstand, and a bookshelf lying around, and I think we will nab you a 6' table from the church (for a desk). Curtains go up tomorrow, too. You can decide how you want it all arranged when you get here! We have set aside an area downstairs for your stuff to go when you get here, so you can take your time over the succeeding days moving it upstairs.

If you can nab an outlet strip and heavy extension cord easily, up there, do it-- so you can spread electric stuff around. There are only two outlets up there.

We need to go grocery shopping when you get here-- so you can guide us on what to get. *G* Are you still a hot-dog-chomping vegan? *G* Maybe we will grill dogs to celebrate your arrival. Is that with or without cheese and chili and onions, ma'am? *G*

Alas, I have not gotten the sitting pool set up yet. :~( It just needs more bodies working on it at once... I am recruiting the neighbor next. *G* But it will warm up quickly once set up and it's good for horizontal aquasize. (Did I mention Hills Creek Lake a few miles away as well? It has a sand beach and clear swimming area.)

Hardi will run the vacuum over the downstairs Wednesday afternoon and I may even dust! (We are down to just one housecat.)

You may instruct us on the rest when you arrive. *G*

Call collect from the road, if needed.
