The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48187   Message #722360
Posted By: GUEST,ozmacca
03-Jun-02 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: There'll always be an England...
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England...
There'll always be an England....... shame really, innit? I'm reminded of the englishman giving a speech in Edinburgh on patriotism which ended, "I'm proud to say that I was born an englishman, I have lived an englishamn, and I will die an englishman." This was followed by dead silence, before a voice from the auditorium said, "Man, huv ye nae ambeetion?"

Never mind, Dave have a nice time at the party anyway - sounds great... while the bloated capitalist sabre-rattling royalist-supporting oppressors of the poor gorge themselves on the blood and sweat of the downtrodden working (or re-deployed) classes.... and have rock concerts in HM the Q's backyard to show that they're really in touch with the masses. Well, they're not in touch with this one, kidder. I dunno, I mean our neighbours always used to complain if we had a couple of friends in to play folk music.

But you know what strikes me as being the best bit about all the celebrations you're having? The fact that ordinary people can show tolerance and be happy together - That's the kind of open-mindedness you should be exporting. We need more understanding and fellowship among all the cultures and races... Can't stand prejudice of any kind... Oh, and CaroleC, if you've got a touch of the Morrisses over in the US... do us a favour - and KEEP THEM THERE!!!!