The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48187 Message #722395
Posted By: greg stephens
03-Jun-02 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: There'll always be an England...
Subject: RE: BS: There'll always be an England...
Well for my Jubilee Monday I have (a) helped thelocal scouts and guides finish a float for theNewcastle-under Lyme was a Golden Hind boat on a lorry, with Elizabeth I onboard plus tobacco plants and potatoes(bit of confusion between francis drake and walter Raleigh I think). (b) took out the results of a series of drumming sessions with asylum seekers and locals, as a processional band on the carnival. Nationalities in the band were English, Welsh,Afghan, Iraqi Kurds, Liberia, Nigeria, Kenya. It pissed down We laughed a lot.(c) played a barn dance in the evening in a marquee on a Cheshire farm, owned by the Duchy of Lancaster( an English euphemism for the queen's private property, separate from her official Queenly wealth).played many old English tunes, plus O susanna, Camptown races, redwing, Buona Sera and Isle of Capri. (Not withmy regular band, depping with my partner's mother's band). So, Dave the Gnome, I'll happily subscribe to your sentiment "There'll always be an England". I think my day was a good cross section. Not, I hasten to add, because I'm English. I'm not.I just live here. I love the place.