Sorry for what may have seemed to be snide remarks about the English Linda (it just comes naturally) but I think I'm allowed to do that... I mean my mother was one... and she used to vote Scottish Nationalist. Anyway I honestly think it's terrific to see people enjoying themselves and mixing, and it really is great when all sorts of different cultures can work and live and play together. And I heartily agree with McGrath's description of the english being able to play up and appreciate the sense of the ridiculous.... what worries me is that there seems to be more and more people out there who only see the surface and don't realise that the patently absurd is not meant to be taken seriously.Love the idea of a great nation-wide party that brings folk together. Hope everybody had a ball. Just not keen on anything that might offer too much temptation for the lunatic right/left/centre/up/down/outer/inner/fringe/core to start raving about any one country being the best in the world (and ready to "prove" it by abusing anybody who doesn't quite fit the pattern they like). And that goes for whichever country they belong to... even mine... whichever it happens to be.
Except Morris......