The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10375   Message #72243
Posted By: Ethan Mitchell
20-Apr-99 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: Music, Politics and Mudcat
Subject: RE: Music, Politics and Mudcat
Hank, I am a little befuddled by your post. Catspaw49, you asked if there are any religions that don't require faith. Sounds a little weird to me; faith is, like, part of what makes it a religion, right? In general I think we're using the word 'religion' several different ways here: what Jesus (or Buddha, or Lao-Tse, or name-your-facorite-prophet) actually said, and how that gets interpreted. Most prophets are anti-mayhem, but a lot of organized religions seem to be pro-mayhem. Anyway, Catspaw, I think there are two answers to your question. First of all, a lot of people who go to church or synagogue or the woods or whatever aren't particularly faithful: religions provide social order and stability, and it is not so very hypocritical to find one's community there even if one does not believe the creed. Second, there are non-creedal religions (eg the Quakers, the Unitarians, Hinayana Buddhists, and so forth). Thirdly, (right, I know I said two, but I don't know how to backspace) there are a lot of non-religious, non-theistic ways to find meaning and virtue in the world...and art is one of those. I don't need faith in anything to enjoy music...