The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48075   Message #723331
Posted By: Teribus
05-Jun-02 - 02:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: World Cup(Soccer) Irelands nightmare
Subject: RE: BS: World Cup(Soccer) Irelands nightmare
Where does FIFA stand in this:

They decide where the competition is held. As part of that process they inspect the facilities and that should include the the accommodation and training facilities for each team competing. This is after all their major source source of income.

The only grounds for comparison between Keane and Beckham are their attitudes with regard to their jobs as national team captains - everything else can be filed as red herrings.

By his actions Roy Keane has waved two fingers at Ireland, the Ireland Team and their fans. Sir Alex Ferguson has spoon fed this mans ego to the point where I do not believe he could ever operate under any other environment than one in which he is constantly told how wonderful he is. That's the trouble when you come to fervently believe your own publicity.

In my opinion Roy Keane has behaved like a spoilt kid. The captain of a national side also has responsibilities, to his manager, his team, his country and their supporters. After all the arguement his worst move was the maybe I'll rejoin the squad phase - which he allowed to run until it was too late to fly out a replacement.

I hope Ireland have a magnificent World Cup and wish them every success today against Germany. Keane petulantly left hoping that Ireland would fall flat on their faces - THEY DIDN*T.