The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32471   Message #723340
Posted By: Bob Bolton
05-Jun-02 - 02:24 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Open Bottle Law Song (There ain't TX)
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas
G'day John in Kansas,

Just for the contrast: When Toyota put together a special model of their Tarago van for the Australian market, the "all bells and whistles" model had a double (or 'split' ...?) air-conditioner, so that one set of controls covered the front seat area and the second set controlled cool air to the rear.

The chilly air heading rearwards passed through a duct in the centre console and cooled a 6-can insulated box, right between the driver and passenger! It probably came in very handy up in the tropical Northern territory ... where road trips are measured in 'stubbies' (375 ml - ~ 13 oz ½-bottles of beer) consumed en route.


Bob Bolton