The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32471   Message #723653
Posted By: JohnInKansas
05-Jun-02 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Open Bottle Law Song (There ain't TX)
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas
Stilly -

Sorry if it appeared that I was "chiding" you. All I meant to do was to indicate that people did try a lot of variants. Speculations about the likely context in which such a song might have appeared were meant to suggest, for anyone interested in continuing the search, things that might prompt them to think of other ways of looking.

One of the well known "features" of web searching is that often the same search will give different results, if repeated after some lapse of time. My search yesterday, using the first four of the titles that Joe listed gave zero returns on the couple of search engines I usually use first.

A fair number of songs have been found here by people repeating the same search repeatedly, with a few months lapse between searches, so by all means - join in, plug in something, and be the one to find it.
