The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10375   Message #72405
Posted By: hank
21-Apr-99 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: Music, Politics and Mudcat
Subject: RE: Music, Politics and Mudcat

good question seed. My first order of buisness is to live as a loving servant of God. Getting into how you are wrong, pointing out your faults is not living by love. Telling someone that they are wrong is not living by love unless you can say it in a way that will make them change to the right - something I cannot do. I belive that the most important thing is to live right and set an example. Then God moves into those who see the right example and makes them think about why I'm different. Then God arranges the right people (not nessicarly me, the one who harvests may not be the one who planted) to move in an enlighten the searching soul.

Ethan, I suppose you are confused, but I really can't think of a different way to put it. Other then to say that a non-cut and dried issue is parents who beat their kids vs parents who give a spanking when the kid needs it. The former is wrong to everyone, the latter is accaptable to some, wrong to others, I don't want to commint on that issue. Even though I do (of course) have a position, and in the case of beatings, they are wrong, and those who are involved probably need goverment intervention. Again, this is just one issue that I keep running against everytime I want to be a complete anarchist. In the 1930's Kurt Goldel (those two dots over the o) proved that there are truths in the universe that cannot be proven true, or there are proven (or proveable, maybe they haven't been proven yet) truths that are not true! When someone asks how I can beleive in religion that is my response. (It is called Goldel's incompletness therom)