The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48075   Message #724215
Posted By: Wolfgang
06-Jun-02 - 08:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: World Cup(Soccer) Irelands nightmare
Subject: RE: BS: World Cup(Soccer) Irelands nightmare
It will be interesting to hear/see the next two games in parallel. Each of the three leading teams can go through to the last sixteen without having to wait for the other result:
Germany (with a draw)
Cameroun (with a win, whatever result)
Ireland (with a two goal win).
For Germany and Cameroun, even a loss could be good enough,
for Ireland, everything but a win is not enough.

The interesting situation for Cameroun and Germany is that in the case the Irish don't win, it doesn't matter whether they lose or draw. So they both (all three, acutally) have to play for victory. Germany by now knows that a last minute goal can quickly turn the tide.
