The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48325   Message #725739
Posted By: Amos
07-Jun-02 - 10:59 PM
Thread Name: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
Genie, just because I founded the Temple of the Golden Globes, doesn't mean I salivate at prepositions!! :>) In our religous pursuits we asre more interested in really getting in touch with the realities, staying a head of the curve and really getting the feeling of the thing, if you see what I mean. Our meditations are targeted and there is a real tip -- I mean point -- to them. We find the kneejerk reaction to mere words kind of false and flat, if you see what I mean. We seek a fuller experience.

We are also expert at the kind of meditation that keeps us abreast of the flow of time, with an ability to get in under the wire any time. So we can pretty much unhook it with one hand at will. But only those who have pursued our advanced courses in empathy, feeling, the "Discipline of Weightless Touch", and advanced "Tantric Braille".

Thank you for your continuing support.

May all your cups be overflowing ones.

Brother Amos