The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48303   Message #725997
Posted By: Peg
08-Jun-02 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Back Pain (not lower)--ow!
Subject: RE: BS: Back Pain (not lower)--ow!
I did see a chiropractor yesterday. I grew to trusthim pretty quickly. One of these old school guys: office decor untouched since 1975, doc was quite overweight (bad for the back no?) but he seemed to know what he was doing. He seemed positive about the holistic measures I want to take. Those adjustments always freak me out! I did feel better after, though a bit sore. This morning the pain is almost as bad as yesterday morning was. (I wonder if I did badly to walk home up the hill carrying two bags weighing about five pounds each?) The nerves are still very inflamed and it has spread to my chest. But I am hoping it will improve today.

Not too expensive. $60 for initial consult and exam, and no charge for the adjustment. I explained I was currently unemployed and they said I can pay in installments if I ever need to. I have another appointment for Monday afternoon, though the doc did say come back today if it was not much better. I have only been out of bed or an hour so I am hoping with some icing and a hot bath it will improve. I will also stay home from a huge party today; I would just be tempted to eat rich food and drink home-brewed mead, neither of which are good for the back!

thanks for the tips all; will keep you posted.
