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Thread #47876   Message #726009
Posted By: Gareth
08-Jun-02 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: Help: Which Regiment(s)
Subject: RE: Help: Which Regiment(s)
Bit Late - But this is what I have found on the "Minden Regiments"

Minden 1759

The battle commenced at first light with Prince Ferdinand's forces forming-up in eight columns to attack the French positions. Making up the third column were six British Infantry battalions, the 12th (Suffolk) Regiment, 20th (Lancashire Fusiliers), 23rd (Royal Welsh Fusiliers), 25th (Kings Own Scottish Borderers), 37th (Hampshire) Regiment and the 51st (Yorkshire Light Infantry). These together with two Hanoverian Guards battalions and a line battalion were all under the command of Major General Spoerke and divided into two Brigades, the 12th, 23rd and 37th leading with the 20th, 25th and 51St supporting.

These two Brigades were to bear the brunt of the attack at Minden, as through some misunderstanding of orders they set off for the attack before the rest of the line had been properly formed. With drums beating and colours flying they bore down on the massed French cavalry passing through the crossfire of 66 cannon. The astonished cavalry having gathered itself charged the leading brigade. At a distance of only ten yards the infantry poured a devastating volley into the horsemen who were thrown back in confusion, the advance then continued. Further fierce attacks by cavalry and later French Infantry were repulsed by the British and Hanoverians, who were now being supported by other units of Prince Ferdinand's army. By 10 am the French were routed and fell back on Minden harassed by the British Artillery. Had Lord Sackville only attacked with the cavalry the victory would have been as complete as Blenheim.

Minden is remarkable for this unique attack by Infantry in line on a mass of cavalry, which although supported by artillery was nevertheless defeated with heavy loss. Minden Day (1st August) is still celebrated by those British Regiments involved. During the advance it is said that the men picked wild roses, which they placed in their hats. On Minden Day the drums are decked with roses and there is an age old Rose eating ceremony in the Mess!

BTW Lord Sackville was courtmartialled and cashiered after the Battle Not to suffer the same fate as Adniral Byng.
