The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48325   Message #726345
Posted By: wysiwyg
08-Jun-02 - 11:52 PM
Thread Name: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
Genie, I think sometimes Mudcat banter can be pretty confusing to newcomers, especially when the context is missing-- this stuff is from another thread, and it built there on a line of BS Amos has been kidding around with now for over a year. So by now it's pretty well-developed (ooops! *G*) Anyway, I am enjoying PMs with Goodfellow and you might, too.

I'm so jealous-- I wish I were in SD to jam with you guys! I'm in this rural, no-folk-music community, and I gotta grow me my own bunch of people to jam with. Be sure you appreciate what you have, huh!!!???
