The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48392   Message #726942
Posted By: InOBU
10-Jun-02 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Apology from Dexlexicburg
Subject: RE: BS: Apology from Dexlexicburg
Hi guys...
Dyslexic is not quite accurate when speaking about my way of organizing stuff... I have something like the inverce of that, I have trouble sequencing, organising simple sets (like letters in a word), so believe it or not, I spell better typing, as I can type a lot of words by musscle memory... my hand writing would kill ya!
So where many dislexics go into math, as they don't do well with languages, and make math solutions to lingguistic problems, a lot of us (proportionaly speaking) go into language related professions like law, as we make language solutions to math problems. It is also why a lot of theorectical mathamaticians don't do simple math well,
I liked the santa joke... think I will use it abit...
Cheers Larry